I cannot deny, however, that I have enjoyed my 6 week sabbatical in Alabama. It's been nice to live life at a slower pace...spend extended time with family, read, think, pray, attempt to mentally prepare myself for the major life change ahead...
It's been a blessing to get to be here with family, rather than being home alone.
I've been exercising often (lots of walking and moderate weight bearing exercises...decided no more running until after baby boy arrives), reading some Babywise, and this week, taking care of 5 dogs. Yes, 5! Two of them are my dad's hunting dogs and don't require much attention or care, but the other 3 are quite a job.
The parentals have been in Nicaragua doing medical missions for the past week, so I have been on dog duty. Needless to say, it's been crazy around here. The local veterinarian and I have become well acquainted this week :). I would give details, but it would be a long story. I'm happy to report that all dogs are alive and well, and Mom and Dad will be home tonight!
Thank goodness Jenny came home on Wednesday! She's been a great help and good company. We even got REAL creative and decided to do a little photo shoot of ourselves. Let me explain. There is not much to do in Jackson, Alabama. At all. Jenny needed a picture of herself for an application she was filling out. I thought I should document my 30 week baby bump. We started out on the front porch and ended up in downtown Jackson looking for old, interesting buildings. All we had was my little point-and-shoot Cannon. Neither of us are photographers in the least. Cars were driving by as a big pregnant girl and a girl with a guitar take pictures of each other on the side of the street.
Don't judge. Don't laugh. Ok, you can laugh. It's actually pretty hysterical.
Here are a few of our shots...Enjoy!

Sarah, I love the pictures! You look beautiful! I know you are so ready to see Adam. Jarrod just got back from a 4 week internship in Texas, and I missed him so much. Can't wait to meet baby Luke! Maybe Luke, Samuel, and Baby H can have a play date over Christmas!