I'd better prepare myself for snakes and snails and puppy-dogs' tails because a little Rice boy is on the way! If he's anything like his daddy, he'll be catchin' snakes and shootin' squirrels and getting into who knows what before age 2.

I do realize that this post is a week overdue and old news by now, but for the sake of documentation, I'm writing it anyway. Of course I want to remember the details of finding out that our little Ric-a-roni is a "he." We went in a week ago today for our 20 week ultrasound. My heart was pounding as the ultrasound tech moved and pressed that wand (is that what it's called?) all over my stomach. She told us she would do the "work" first and then show us the baby. Images flashed up on the screen, but I couldn't really make out a baby. The "work" seemed to take forever, and the tech didn't really say a much as she was working. She would move the wand around, apparently locate an organ, and then label the organ on the screen: "kidney" etc.

Finally, I couldn't wait any longer:
"Can you tell what it is?" She pointed to the screen and responded, "
Penis. Scrotum. Could've seen it with my eyes closed!" Adam and I just started laughing. We were surprised and thrilled at the same time. Neither of us really had a strong intuition either way, but it seemed that most family members and friends were predicting girl. The Lord saw fit, however, to bless us with a little boy, and we couldn't be more excited. I just loved finding out...I feel like I know that little baby inside me so much better now.

Of course it really didn't matter if the baby was a boy or girl. We were just
so, so thankful to hear that he is healthy and developing properly. I was anxious to have the ultrasound and see that things were progressing since I hadn't seen the baby since the 7 week ultrasound (and at that time he was just a little speck on the screen). Both the ultrasound tech and my doctor told us that everything looked healthy and normal and right on track. Baby weighs about 13 ounces. I think the heartbeat was around 149 bpm. I have just the right amount of fluid, etc. They kept saying, "
You have an absolutely beautiful baby. Everything looks perfect." They probably tell every patient that she has a beautiful baby, but just the same, it was good to hear. Adam and I truly feel blessed beyond what we deserve.
Thanks be to God for His kindness and grace! We pray that everything continues to go well throughout the rest of the pregnancy.

I should probably refer to the baby by his name! Yes, we have already got the named picked out... Luke Stevens Rice. Luke because that's been my favorite boy name since I was a child. Don't ask me why. I just like it. I'm a fan of one syllable names for boys (Luke, Jake, Will, Sam, etc) They just sound strong and masculine! Luckily, Adam's a fan too. Stevens because that's my maiden name, and I like the idea of carrying it on. Also we needed something with two syllables between the two one syllable names. Mom described his name as simple, masculine, and biblical. I like that description....
So, now it will be fun to start planning things for a boy. I've actually already picked out nursery bedding, which is a good thing since I was spending way too much time at potterybarnkids.com trying to get ideas and decide what I liked. But nursery details will have to come in another post. This one has gone on for too long.

I'll just close by saying that we are so thankful for our little Luke and we already love him dearly! I pray that God will continue to sustain his life and form him to be exactly who he is supposed to be. I especially pray that God will
already be softening his little sinful heart (you hate to say that about a baby, but it's true) and preparing him to one day receive the gift of faith in Christ! Pray with us as we continue on this journey!
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