God has been so kind to bless both Adam and me with precious, godly friends during each season of our lives. We have deep friendships with people from home, Auburn, and now Louisville. I try to remind myself to never take these friendships for granted, but to remember what a gift they are--another reminder of the Lord's kindness toward me. This weekend we had a group of some of our close friends over, and as I looked through pictures from the night, I was reminded how much each friend means to me...especially these three girls below. These have probably been my closest female companions here in Lou.
Next we have Whitney (in black next to D). Whitney and her husband, Mat, moved to Lou a semester after us from Mobile, AL (also our neck of the woods). I instantly liked Whitney and felt like we had a lot in common. In fact, the first time she came to our apartment, she said, "Wow, our apartments are decorated very similarly." I just love hanging out with and talking to Whitney. She is very real, and she's a whole lot of fun. I'm especially inspired and encouraged by watching the way Whit cares for her home and for Mat. She is the ideal wife and homemaker--a fabulous cook (her artichoke dip is to DIE for), a great decorator, and super creative. It is so evident that she absolutely delights in caring for her husband and her home, and I just love this about her! She is going to be an amazing mom one day. And, this is the lucky man who got to marry her....
Last but certainly not least is Christy (glasses, far right). Christy was my first close friend in Louisville, who I didn't already know from home. I'll never forget the first time I met Christy. We were in our first SWI (Seminary Wives Institute) class only about a month after we had both moved to Louisville in January '09. Before class started, I was sitting alone (being my quiet-somewhat-introverted-when-I-don't-know-anyone self) when this teeny-tiny girl in a gray sweater with blonde curls and glasses plops down beside me and introduces herself. She was so outgoing from the beginning. She starts telling me about how she and her husband have come to Lou for seminary and how she just got a job at Bridal Warehouse. I pipe up and tell her about my new job at Ann Taylor, and we immediately start griping about how we both have college degrees and the only jobs we can manage to secure are retail positions. From that day on, Christy and I were friends. Our friendship developed during the class and eventually moved outside the class when we introduced Ben and Adam to each other and then all ended up joining the same church. Christy and I both decided to start seminary, and now we have become school buddies as well. If I call Christy for a quick question, we usually end up talking on the phone for 30 minutes to an hour. A lot of our conversations consist of venting about how tough it is to work, be a wife, and go to school all at the same time. In the end, we always determine that we will make it. It's just nice to have someone walking the same path as you--someone who understands your struggles. Christy is such a sweet and true friend. And she's married to this guy.....
Adam and I have had a lot of fun with this couple as well--lots of game nights, late night Graeters icecream runs, and a hilarious camping trip.

So, there they are! What precious, godly girls! I am so very thankful to call them friends!
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