Monday, May 31, 2010

Sweet Home Alabama...

where the skies are so blue...and the air is so humid...and the tea is so sweet...and family and friends are so near....

It was so good to be in Alabama for a long weekend, and I certainly covered a lot of ground and saw a lot of people I love. Thankfully, I was able to fly home this time (the eight hour drive leaves me utterly exhausted). My sweet college friend, Megan, picked me up at the airport in Birmingham. We spent some time catching up and then met (lifelong friend) Rachael for lunch. Rach was kind enough to drive from Auburn to pick me up, and after lunch we headed back to AU. I really felt somewhat nostalgic when we drove into downtown Auburn. I hadn't been there since before I got married (1.5 years ago), and I just have so many wonderful memories with precious people from my four years living in this little college town. It was good to be back, spend quality time with Rach, and see another close college friend, Marci. The next day, Judd (lifelong friend and practically brother) and I headed to Montgomery for the wedding rehearsal and rehearsal dinner of our good friend Jake. Judd was a groomsmen in the wedding, and he took me as his date to the rehearsal since (girlfriend) Amanda was home in Texas. It was good to catch up with Judd and celebrate Jake and Sarah's wedding weekend. The wedding was beautiful and it was an absolute treat to spend time with (lifelong best friends) Rachael, Mallory,

Jake, and Judd. The five of us were best friends from high school.

Of course, it was also wonderful to spend time with "the madre" who made the trip from Jackson for the wedding.

After the wedding, I rode back to home-sweet-home Jackson, AL with Mom and Judd's mom. After one night in my bed at home and church at First Baptist the next morning, Mom, Dad, and I loaded up in the car again to head to Hattiesburg, MS. My Aunt Kevin married Perrin Lowry on her front porch, and I enjoyed more sweet fellowship with (grandparents) Papa and Grandy, aunts and uncles, and a few of the cousins. After the wedding we headed over to (other grandparent) Granddaddy's house for a quick visit. While I was there, Granddaddy insisted that I go through some of (late grandmother) Mama Grace's books and pick out some to add to my library. Mama Grace was an academic, a college English professor, and an avid reader. She collected books from all of her travels, and her library is absolutely enormous. I pilfered through her shelves and found a couple of my favorite classics (and others) to add to my collection. Here is my loot...

Several of these books have Mama Grace's name (Grace Smith) penciled across the front, and I love that I have inherited them. What a neat heirloom! I picked out a few more but had to leave them at home because I ran out of room in my suitcase. After visiting with G-daddy, the parentals and I headed back to Jackson for my last night at home. Mom was gracious enough to drive me to Birmingham today, and I caught my flight back to Lou with Whitney Alexander! It was a busy but fun trip home!

In other news...

While I was gone, Adam traded in his Honda Civic and got this....

It's a 2002 with only 55,000 miles and in excellent condition. Because Adam works at Carmax, he got to buy it at wholesale price, so we cut our car debt in half! Even though we will pay more for gas, we think it is a smart move to get out of our car payment quickly. Now we don't owe much at all. Thank you, Carmax!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Meet My Friends!

God has been so kind to bless both Adam and me with precious, godly friends during each season of our lives. We have deep friendships with people from home, Auburn, and now Louisville. I try to remind myself to never take these friendships for granted, but to remember what a gift they are--another reminder of the Lord's kindness toward me. This weekend we had a group of some of our close friends over, and as I looked through pictures from the night, I was reminded how much each friend means to me...especially these three girls below. These have probably been my closest female companions here in Lou.

I'll start with Diana or "D" (far left) because I've known her the longest. D, Adam, and I all grew up in rural Clarke County, Alabama. Each of us lived in a different small town, mind you, but all in the same county. There's just something about coming from the same place that bonds people together, and you just can't understand small-town, south Alabama unless you came from there. I cannot express how thankful I am for Diana's friendship. Adam and I moved to Louisville at the beginning of a harsh, gray winter, and Diana was the only soul we knew. She immediately reached out to us, introduced us to people, took us with her to Highview (now, our home church), and basically just helped us adjust to a very different place. I remember that right when we moved, D was returning from a trip to Israel. The morning after she arrived home, she was at our apartment wanting to go out to lunch. She has continued to be such a sweet, giving friend. She's the kind of person who will do anything in the world for you. She's also the kind of person that you can say anything to. I just love me some D!

Next we have Whitney (in black next to D). Whitney and her husband, Mat, moved to Lou a semester after us from Mobile, AL (also our neck of the woods). I instantly liked Whitney and felt like we had a lot in common. In fact, the first time she came to our apartment, she said, "Wow, our apartments are decorated very similarly." I just love hanging out with and talking to Whitney. She is very real, and she's a whole lot of fun. I'm especially inspired and encouraged by watching the way Whit cares for her home and for Mat. She is the ideal wife and homemaker--a fabulous cook (her artichoke dip is to DIE for), a great decorator, and super creative. It is so evident that she absolutely delights in caring for her husband and her home, and I just love this about her! She is going to be an amazing mom one day. And, this is the lucky man who got to marry her....
Adam and I are so thankful for the friendship that we have with Mat and Whitney as a couple. As you could probably guess from the picture, Mat keeps us laughing constantly. He is a HOOT! Oh, if only everyone could get to know Mat Alexander...

Last but certainly not least is Christy (glasses, far right). Christy was my first close friend in Louisville, who I didn't already know from home. I'll never forget the first time I met Christy. We were in our first SWI (Seminary Wives Institute) class only about a month after we had both moved to Louisville in January '09. Before class started, I was sitting alone (being my quiet-somewhat-introverted-when-I-don't-know-anyone self) when this teeny-tiny girl in a gray sweater with blonde curls and glasses plops down beside me and introduces herself. She was so outgoing from the beginning. She starts telling me about how she and her husband have come to Lou for seminary and how she just got a job at Bridal Warehouse. I pipe up and tell her about my new job at Ann Taylor, and we immediately start griping about how we both have college degrees and the only jobs we can manage to secure are retail positions. From that day on, Christy and I were friends. Our friendship developed during the class and eventually moved outside the class when we introduced Ben and Adam to each other and then all ended up joining the same church. Christy and I both decided to start seminary, and now we have become school buddies as well. If I call Christy for a quick question, we usually end up talking on the phone for 30 minutes to an hour. A lot of our conversations consist of venting about how tough it is to work, be a wife, and go to school all at the same time. In the end, we always determine that we will make it. It's just nice to have someone walking the same path as you--someone who understands your struggles. Christy is such a sweet and true friend. And she's married to this guy.....
Adam and I have had a lot of fun with this couple as well--lots of game nights, late night Graeters icecream runs, and a hilarious camping trip.

So, there they are! What precious, godly girls! I am so very thankful to call them friends!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Every now and then...

I get a hankerin' to paint something creative. Sometimes I like the finished product, and sometimes I hate it. The children I nanny inspire me to let my creative juices flow! They are very artistic and paint all sorts of neat things, which are displayed throughout the house. Also, their grandmother was an artist, and many of her gorgeous paintings are hung about. This weekend I attempted to replicate a piece of the kids' art that is displayed in their formal library. Here is how my (smaller) version turned out.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

When Trials Come...

When trials come no longer fear
For in the pain our God draws near
To fire a faith worth more than gold
And there His faithfulness is told.

Within the night I know Your peace
The breath of God brings strength to me
And new each morning mercy flows
As treasures of the darkness grow.

I turn to Wisdom not my own
For every battle You have known
My confidence will rest in You
Your love endures Your ways are good

When I am weary with the cost
I see the triumph of the cross
So in it’s shadow I shall run
Till You completes the work begun

One day all things will be made new
I’ll see the hope You called me to
And in your kingdom paved with gold
I’ll praise your faithfulness of old!

-The Getty's

This is a song written by Keith and Kristyn Getty about experiencing trials. Although these words aren't scripture, they are based on scripture, and I think they are precious words to read and sing when the trials do come (as they will for us all). These words have been especially comforting of late, as my dad has just been diagnosed with malignant Sarcoma in his leg. It has been difficult to grapple with the reality that my dad--the one who loved me, cared for me, provided for me, and shepherded me spiritually for 20 something years is facing a serious illness that could potentially take his life. We are so thankful that his situation is not any worse than it is (so many people are experiencing greater trials). Nonetheless, this is a testing trial in the life of our family that could easily lead to anxiety, fear, or distress. We constantly need reminders of how we, as believers, should respond to trials. In trials and testings, we must remember that God is refining our faith, conforming us more unto the image of Christ (making us perfect and complete). Trials of darkness, produce treasures of the morning. (James 1:2-4) After a trial, one is less of himself/herself and more of Christ. Each morning, the Lord provides new mercies to help us face the trials of the day. We must rely on Christ's wisdom, rather than our own, to help us respond to trials correctly (James 1:5) For, every trial that we face has been known and experienced by Christ Himself (Hebrews 4:15) We must trust that His ways are always good and right, even when our own circumstances seem bad and are difficult to understand (Psalm 100:5, Romans 8:28) Furthermore, we face trials by hiding in the shadow of the cross, remembering that we are in Christ (Col 3:3) Finally, regardless of what happens in our circumstances (sickness, pain, suffering, or death), we have the hope that one day all things will be made new. One day, Jesus Christ will put all things under His feet and will reign with total dominion. And because we are in HIM, we will reign too. All things will be new and gloriously perfect--no suffering, no sickness, no crying, and no pain (Rev 21:4). THIS is our hope. Therefore, we do not suffer and grieve as those with no hope. Come quickly, Lord Jesus!