Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Glory Thieves

Sin makes us glory thieves. There is probably not a day when we do not plot to steal glory that rightfully belongs to the Lord. Sin causes us to steal the story and rewrite it with ourselves as the lead, and with our lives at center stage. But the story of Scripture is the story of the Lord's glory. It calls me to an agenda that is bigger than myself. It offers me something truly worth living for. The Redeemer has come so that glory thieves would joyfully live for the glory of Another. There is no deeper personal joy and satisfaction than to live committed to His glory. It is what we truly need.

---Paul David Tripp

I don't know about you, but I struggle every day not to be a glory thief. Can I get a witness that it is so easy to slip into the mindset that life (even the Christian life) is about ME? The world trains us to spend all of our time and mental energy seeking my glory, my happiness, my success, and my personal fulfillment. I have been convicted, of late, that I spend far too much time seeking these things and far too little time working for and seeking the glory of King Jesus. The beautiful reality, though, is that true personal fulfillment and joy come only in living and working for the glory of the Lord. Yes, pleasant circumstances, thriving human relationships, worldly success, riches, honor and praise all may bring "happiness " for a season, but none of these things will ultimately fulfill because life isn't about me. This thing that I call "my life" is not really about my individual story. It's about a bigger story--God's story--the story of the Redeemer, Jesus Christ. We will only find true joy and fulfillment when we realize that our lives are part of God's grand story, and when we begin to seek the glory and renown of Christ, rather than our own. I need daily reminders of this truth. Praise the Lord for his patient forbearance with me....

Friday, March 11, 2011

15 Weeks

I had my third prenatal appointment Wednesday, so I thought I should give a little baby update. Really, I just want to record a few things so that I can remember this stage of the pregnancy. I have yet to journal one thing! So, this post is really for me. My apologies for a lot of words and detail with no photos!

A few things...
  • Like the second appointment, this last one was quick and easy! The highlight was hearing the baby's heartbeat with the doppler. What a precious, reassuring sound! Sometimes I still have a hard time believing that a little life is inside me because I haven't grown much yet, and I can't feel kicking and moving. Needless to say, the sound of that little heartbeat reminds me that this is all real and that my little Rice baby is still in there and doing well. Heartbeat was 144 beats per minute. Doctor said it is supposed to be anywhere between 120 and 160, so baby Rice is right in the middle. The old wives tale claims that anything above 140 is a girl and anything below is a boy. Of course, medical experts say that this is absolutely false, but it's fun to be a little superstitious!
  • Speaking of gender, we are set to find out boy or girl on April 14! I sure hope I can wait 4 and 1/2 weeks ...I'm dying to know. I feel like most people are predicting girl, but I have absolutely no clue. One day I think girl and the next I'm guessing boy. My doctor has predicted a girl. I guess we shall see soon enough. We will both be thrilled with either.
  • At my second appointment I had lost 4 pounds (a result of being constantly nauseated and not eating much). Thankfully, at this visit I was up 5 pounds (1 lb above my starting weight). This was good news! I still don't have much of a baby bump, but after eating at Panera tonight with my pants unbuttoned, I would say that I'm growing! My regular jeans have fit relatively well all week, but tonight they were just unbearable.
  • Speaking of Panera, my only craving (thus far) has been their Greek salad! I.Love.it. Yes, I've always loved the Greek salad, but now I could pretty much eat one every night. Something about that dressing...yum! S0 picture me at Panera (alone, mind you, since Adam is working in Lexington) with my pants unbuttoned, inhaling every last morsel of that salad. I was literally sopping up the leftover dressing with my bread!. Yes, humorous vision, I know!
  • Finally, I must say that my sweet husband has been SO wonderful during these first few months of this pregnancy. Adam has cooked dinner almost every night since I've been preggers because after work I've been just too tired and (usually) nauseated to brave the kitchen. He has dealt with my moodiness and meltdowns with much graciousness. He is already in love with this child in my womb, and I know he is going to be a great dad. I couldn't be more thankful!