This past weekend, Adam and I got to travel to Atlanta, Georgia (back to what we consider to be the "true south") for the wedding of some of our dearest friends, Marci and Justin SAKNINI. Our friendship with Justin and Marci (individually and as couple) was such a blessing to us during our years at Auburn, and we were so excited and honored to get to be a part of their big day. Everything about the wedding was beautiful and Christ-centered. We enjoyed it thoroughly. This weekend away from Lou was especially exciting because it marked the first time Adam and I had seen any of our friends from Auburn since our wedding seven months ago. Seven months is a long time, and we have missed everyone so much. It was truly wonderful to see all the people who were like family to us in Auburn. It's hard to believe how close you can get to people in just four years, but these were the people we lived with, ate with, took classes with, went to formals, socials, and events with, laughed with, and cried with. These people mean the world to us, and moving so far away from them and our true families has been the hardest thing about our first year of marriage. Needless to say, it was wonderful to spend quality time catching up with all the people that we love. Adam spent all weekend with the guys, and I spent all weekend with the girls. It felt like college again. Every season of life is precious, and we are absolutely loving this current season of life as a newlywed couple, exploring a new city, and becoming equipped for full-time ministry. However, our time as college students in Auburn, Alabama was a season that we will always treasure in our hearts and never forget. Here are a few pictures from the wedding weekend.
Their first dance as Mr. and Mrs. Sanknini

the rehearsal dinner was held. We were thrilled!
On our way to and from Atlanta we got to stop in Chattanooga, TN to visit Adam's sister and brother-in-law (Angela and Sean), and their three precious children (Bricen, Ana, and Ali).
When we arrived on Thursday, Sean and Angela treated us to a delicious lunch, and then we played an invigorating game of Nerf tag with Brice and Ana :). On the way home from Atlanta, we had another yummy lunch and a family game of UNO. It was so good to spend some time with our nieces and nephew. We don't get to see them often, and every time we do see them, they have grown so much. It's always a treat to be with them. Adam and I are both extremely blessed to have such precious, wonderful families who love the Lord. They always encourage us and bless our hearts. Praise the Father for giving good gifts to His children! We hope that in the future we will have many more "weekends away" that are as special as the one we just had. Here are a few more pictures.
Adam and Ali Grace
Is she not the cutest thing you have ever seen?